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Introducing the 777 to the N. Raleigh Exchange Club

We had a fun and informative 777 discussion yesterday.

Feedback from the Club Secretary:

“….for inviting the speaker, Chris Perrien, a 1974 graduate of the US Naval Academy

and current director of the SSN 777 Club, to talk about the USS North Carolina

submarine. We got to know a lot about her and the naval submarine community.

We are so proud to have a state of the art fast attack submarine and the fine crew

of 142 represent our state and protecting our country."

Our luncheon discussion encompassed the following topics:

- the posture of our US Navy’s submarine force: how many; the variety of missions; the

evolving threat conditions.

- what’s life like underwater for 180 days on 3 section watch? What is the personality

profile of a nuclear-qualified submariner? What are the associated training programs?

What are the management challenges when each of the 142 crew members enjoys

about 15 square feet of personal space?

- Our USS North Carolina, SSN 777, is based in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii across from the

Arizona Memorial. What is its unique contribution to our nation’s security? How well

connected is the boat to its namesake state?

- Our SSN 777 Club: what’s it trying to do to support the crew and their families; promote

the 777’s reputation across our state; Club's plans for bringing the 777 to Wilmington, alongside

the Battleship North Carolina, at the end of the service-life of the 777?

Two short videos recommended by Captain Steve Gillepie, C.O. of the Piedmont NROTC Consortium, were helpful in providing a discussion background:

1. We viewed this one at lunch today. Good as submarine force overview.

2. Tech Insider Video - a little more about life on a submarine


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