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90 Day SitRep - 777 Club nearing full-speed

The Captain and crew members visited Durham on Sunday July 10th, 2016.

What we've accomplished so far:

  • properly and legally established the Club so that we are able to conduct business and receive donations in support of the 777 for the duration of its service life

  • received its first donation so that we are able to establish the Club's administrative and operational processes (stationery, business cards, FedEx account, web site fees, etc)

  • wrote the Club’s first check, 001, for $100.00 as a gift to the Generations Fund of the USS North Carolina, BB-55, moored in Wilmington, NC

  • implemented a farewell program for departing crew members of SSN 777. Each crew member receives a 2 inch x 3 inch x 1 inch section of original teak decking from the BB-55 inscribed with the crew member's name and dates of service aboard SSN 777. The teak blocks are prepared by Chuck Dean of Fine Wood Designs in Wilmington; these blocks are laser-inscribed by Kids Making It of Wilmington, a non-profit helping disadvantaged teens develop marketable shop skills.

  • volunteered Club representation in Hawaii, David Sharpe, and in Wilmington, Mike Bowers, to assist in communication with the 777 and the BB-55

  • established vendor relationships for USS North Carolina SSN 777 ball caps, commemorative coins, and commissioning prints. We'll offer these items as donor gifts

How we intend to support the crew in the near term:

  • known as the Tarheel Boat, the Club will furnish Carolina Blue t-shirts with embroidered Club logo for the crew to wear at sports activities and around the Boat as authorized

  • collaborating with the UNC Men's Basketball Team for a visit with the 777 when the team visits Hawaii in mid-November for a game versus the University of Hawaii and the Maui Jim Tournament

  • the 777 is in a period of regularly scheduled maintenance. The Club intends to support those on watch on Thanksgiving Day as well as the crew and their families during the holiday season.

  • the Club will furnish the crew with safety glasses and flashlights for use during this 18-month maintenance period.

  • organizing invitations for all in North Carolina interested and available to join the Change of Command Ceremony on January 20, 2017 in Pearl Harbor.


© 2016 SSN 777 Club

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